Added: Under-barrel magazine slot to the inventory.Added: New Stamina (with optional Stamina Bar).Added: New version of Personal Protective Equipment.Added: Spectator role (used as 4 slots per End Game so far).You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., Arma 3 F.A.Q.Copyright © 2002-2015 NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA GameWorks™ Technology provided under license from NVIDIA Corporation.Administrators can also use the command-line SteamCMD utility.You can find the servers in the Steam library (switch the filter to "Tools") - "Arma 3 Server" (based on your OS, it will download the Windows or Linux version).We'll be updating those to 1.54 as soon as possible. This update does not apply to the experimental Linux and Mac port betas at time of writing.The access code for this branch is: Arma3Legacy152 It can be used to compare specific changes between major releases. It contains the previous significant main branch version (1.52). A Legacy Build Steam branch is available for advanced users.Consider defragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.

ACTIVITY: Game Update: 1.54 (Nexus Update, End Game, Spectator, Personal Protective Equipment, Stamina, Launcher Mod Dependencies)